Coin Change Problem: Dynamic Programming

Hacking the coding interviews at FAANG!

Vishal Bhushan
3 min readJan 24, 2021

Problem Statement: Given a number array to represent different coin denominations and a total amount ‘T’, we need to find all the different ways to make a change for ‘T’ with the given coin denominations. We can assume an infinite supply of coins, therefore, each coin can be chosen multiple times.

Note: This problem follows the Unbounded Knapsack pattern of Dynamic Programming.

Solution 1: Recursive Approach

A basic brute-force solution could be to try all combinations of the given coins to select the ones that give a total sum of ‘T’. This is what our algorithm will look like:

for each coin 'c'create a new set which includes one quantity of coin 'c' if it does not exceed 'T', andrecursively call to process all coinscreate a new set without coin 'c', and recursively call to process the remaining coinsreturn the count of sets who have a sum equal to 'T'

Code (JavaScript)

let countChange = function(denominations, total) {function countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, currentIndex) {// base checksif (total === 0) return 1;if (denominations.length === 0 || currentIndex >= denominations.length) {return 0;}// recursive call after selecting the coin at the currentIndex// if the coin at currentIndex exceeds the total, we shouldn't process thislet sum1 = 0;if (denominations[currentIndex] <= total) {sum1 = countChangeRecursive(denominations, total - denominations[currentIndex], currentIndex);}// recursive call after excluding the coin at the currentIndexconst sum2 = countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, currentIndex + 1);return sum1 + sum2;}return countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, 0);};

The time complexity of the above algorithm is exponential O(2^{C+T}), where ‘C’ represents total coin denominations and ‘T’ is the total amount that we want to make change.

The space complexity will be O(C+T).

Let’s try to find a better solution.

Solution 2: Top-down Dynamic Programming with Memoization

We can use memoization to overcome the overlapping sub-problems. We will be using a two-dimensional array to store the results of solved sub-problems. As mentioned above, we need to store results for every coin combination and for every possible sum:

let countChange = function(denominations, total) {const dp = [];function countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, currentIndex) {// base checksif (total === 0) return 1;if (denominations.length === 0 || currentIndex >= denominations.length) {return 0;}dp[currentIndex] = dp[currentIndex] || [];// if we have already processed a similar sub-problem, return the result from memoryif (typeof dp[currentIndex][total] !== 'undefined') return dp[currentIndex][total];// recursive call after selecting the coin at the currentIndex// if the number at currentIndex exceeds the total, we shouldn't process thislet sum1 = 0;if (denominations[currentIndex] <= total) {sum1 = countChangeRecursive(denominations, total - denominations[currentIndex], currentIndex);}// recursive call after excluding the number at the currentIndexconst sum2 = countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, currentIndex + 1);dp[currentIndex][total] = sum1 + sum2;return dp[currentIndex][total];}return countChangeRecursive(denominations, total, 0);};

Will discuss for coding interview problems in the upcoming stories.



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